Friday, September 14, 2018

Natural Disasters

Information report: natural disasters
Natural disasters are a phenomenon which occur all around the world. Some are caused by moving tectonic plates, some are caused by wind and air pressure, and some are caused by other natural disasters.

Volcanic Eruptions.
Volcanic eruptions are so dangerous they can kill anything and anyone, nobody should not be near a volcanic eruptions because they will die in a couple of seconds like the terminator did in the movies. 

Earthquakes can kill you if you fall into the crack that the tectonic plates make but people call them earthquakes instead so make sure that your country is not shaking because if that happens your dead so run if it happens.

Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones.
Hurricanes,Typhoons and cyclones are all the same things but I think Hurricanes are bigger, faster also stronger but they all might be all the same strength speed even how big they are but I still think hurricanes are bigger.

Tsunamis are fast strong but when it uses all its power its strength get weaker and when it gets to that country or state it won't be strong but it will still make a big flood so people won't die things won't break.
Tornadoes are big and strong but there not stronger and bigger than a hurricane might be slower than tornadoes.  Tornadoes can make you puke and make you very dizzy so watch out make sure you prepared.

Floods and drought.
Floods are very common when tsunamis come but floods might not happen if a tsunami comes it is because that tsunami had not much power. Droughts happen very often in places that don't have rain people die horrible deaths when there are droughts in that country.

Blizzards and Ground Blizzards.
A blizzard is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds of at least 35 mph (56 km/h) and lasting for a prolonged period of time typically three hours or more. A ground blizzard is a weather condition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted and blown by strong wind.

Dust storm.
Dust storms are made from lightning bolts happen then strong winds come than make a big dust storm that goes really fast but when is settles all of it is done

Wildfires are a man made natural disaster that can kill people burn land also devastate people also nobody likes that man made wildfire because it is very dangerous to human kind and animal kind.

Man-made and natural disasters can devastate people and the places we live in. Although we can’t predict most natural disasters, we can do our best to keep safe and look after our properties and things we value.

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