Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Me and my class had learnt about how to save and borrow money and how you get charged interest.
When you get charged interest it is because when you ask for money from the bank they will ask for a little bit more, but if you save your money and leave it in the bank they will do a little thank you and they will give interest to you also interest means they will give you money instead of you having to give them money. Saving money is good for you so you can get all the stuff you need and you should not spend your money on things you want.

You can actually set up your income for your bank so when you get paid your income goes straight to your bank account, did you know that if you don't pay stuff on time you will be put on a list of people who work at places look at that list and check it if your on it and if your on it, they won't trust you if you have to pay something off.

We learnt about a new game called Banqer from learning about this game we got better knowledge and so we can spend our money wisely, if you spend your money wisely you can be able to buy the things you need and what you want to do with it also it does not mean go spend your money on the first go, just try to save up for something you need.


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