Friday, July 28, 2017

Mahatma Gandhi's Questions

1.When was he born.
2nd october 1869
2.Which god did Gandhi’s mum worshipped to .
She worshipped the god Vishnu.
3.How would you describe apartheid.
There was unfairness status of being part
4.Why was gandhi told to leave a train.
he had a ticket. But Gandhi was told to get off because he was not white
5.What sort of protests did gandhi believe in.
Gandhi believed in Religions
6.Why was Gandhi put in prison.
Gandhi made brown people not buy british goods
7.Why did the british decide to help improve the lives of poor people
They made changes to help poor people
8.Explain what type of person  Gandhi was and your reasons for your explanation
Gandhi he was a great soul to black people but not to the white they tried to kill him but it happened

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